A: General purchase conditions
- Conditions
- Agreement conclusion
- Costs in returning the product within your rights to return products
- Price and payment
- Shipping and delivery conditions
- Responsibility for defects
- Legal rights
B: Users information
- Information on seller’s identity
- Information on basic product and services characteristics
- Information on agreement conclusion
- Information on payment and delivery
- Information on technical procedures leading to agreement conclusion
- Information on agreement storing
- Information on technical mistakes when completing the form and correction possibilities
- Information on agreement concluding in available language.
A: General purchase conditions
- Legal relations and legal relations participation
1.1 The following conditions are for all legal relations between shops for trade and processing of herbal preparations Kasfero Naturmedizin (hereinafter “Seller”), and buyers regardless of being persons or legal entities. It takes into account and apply only the conditions given by the seller- personal conditions of performing business by the buyer are not taken into account unless it is entered into agreement.
1.2 In these conditions in terms of consumers is considered to be every person that concludes legal business for the purpose not including entrepreneurship. An entrepreneur is a person or legal entity that concludes agreement within his entrepreneur activities.
- Conclusion of the contract
2.1 All presented products (images) in on-line shop of the seller, do not represent an offer by the seller but are for the purpose of information on which basis the buyer offer seller an agreement conclusion on chosen product.
2.2 Buyer can submit an offer via form in our on-line shop by filling in data into integral form for product order. Filling in his personal data and by the last click (send), the buyer finishes the legal business of his offer in relation to ordered product.
2.3 The seller may accept the buyer’s offer within two days in the following way:
- By written confirmation that the order on agreement conclusion on chosen product is received (fax or e-mail) from the buyer in which the level of offer validation and confirmation is estimated by the seller.
- By delivery of the chosen product on the buyer’s address.
- By sending written payment order to the buyer for the chosen product. If all the alternatives show as unrealized seller withdraws from the agreement. If the seller fails to provide the buyer the product within the specified time, it will be considered as a rejection of the bid with the result that the customer no longer binds his statement about the purchase.
2.4 The period for offer acceptance starts immediately on the day of sending the offer by the buyer and ends at the closing of the following day as of the offer arrival. If it is on Saturday or Sunday as last day, or public holiday, then the last day goes to the first working day.
2.5 The order and contacts you send are processed by automatic order processing. The buyer has to provide correct e-mail address, that on this mail seller can send information. The buyer has to provide by SPAM-FILTER which massages are junk or he himself is responsible for all the massages that he sent together with the order.
- Return of the delivery
If the customer uses his right to return the product without explanation, regular costs of return are on the behalf of the customer if the prices of the returned goods does not 92 EUR. If ordered goods is of higher value and were not delivered within specified period, the costs of return are on the seller.
- Price and payment
4.1 The given prices are final with included VAT, if necessary, additional costs of shipment and delivery will be given together with the product description.
4.2 Buyers may choose different payment options that are given in online shop.
4.3 The goods are delivered upon agreement conclusion (after the payment is performed)
- Delivery and shipment conditions
5.1 The products are delivered on the address that the buyer put into the form. During the transaction, that is money payment, the delivery address that you stated is the authoritative for the seller. As for the PAYPAL payment, the authoritative is the address you stated when paying.
5.2 In situation transportation company is unable to deliver the ordered goods on buyer’s stated address (for example incorrect address, address change) and the products are returned to the seller, than the costs of failed delivery are on the customer. It is in situation when the buyer accepted his right on goods return but did not insure the circumstances for taking over of ordered products, i.e from any reason was temporarily prevented to accept the ordered products. This is not in the case when the buyer in advance announces to the transportation company or the seller that in due time he will not be able to provide situation for acceptance of ordered products on the form given address.
5.3 The existing risk of accidental loss and damage for the sold product is on the behalf of the buyer and it is confirmed by product taking over. If the buyer is entrepreneur, the situation of accidental loss and deterioration of the products during delivery is on the behalf of the transportation company that transported the goods to the place of buyers business, in this case an entrepreneur.
5.4 The seller reserves the right to withdraws from the agreement with the consumer without stating the reason in case of wrong or incorrect delivery of ordered product to the buyer via transportation company. This is does not apply if seller personally delivers the ordered products to the buyer and personally controls the whole delivery process. In case of incorrect and wrong delivery, the seller shall do everything to deliver the ordered goods in due time. In case of unavailability of ordered product, the buyer shall be immediately notified by the seller and be refunded the amount paid when ordering the goods.
5.5 To buy products, that is personal take over is not possible due to logistic reasons.
- Responsibility for defects
Here are legal responsibility for defects.
- Legal rights
7.1 The Law of Republic of Slovakia, not taking into account Laws on International Goods Selling are applied on all legal relations between parties. The choice of laws is done for the consumers if the protection on compulsory provisions is abolished in the state of customer’s residence.
7.2 If the customer is trader, public person, legal entity or person residing or having domicile in Republic of Slovakia, all disputes that may arise between seller and buyer in the process of ordering, paying and delivery of products are to be solved in front of the competent court of Republic of Slovakia territory. If the buyer is domicile or resides on territory out of Republic of Slovakia, all disputes are also solved in front of the competent court in Republic of Slovakia determined according to the Company “Kasfero” headquarters. Seller in case of dispute has the right, in the above stated situations, to call the competent Court where the Buyer filed the complaint, indictment and to personally inform on the proceeding. By ordering and paying the product, buyer accepts and agrees on hereinabove rights stated in 7.2.
7.3 The agreement is possible to make in Serbian, German, Slovak and English Languages
Anwendungsbereiche unseren Präparaten
Adipositas, Adipositas, Akne, Allergien, Allergosen, sekundäre Nebenniereninsuffizienz- Cortisol, Amalgam-Intoxikation, Amenorrhoe, Angst- und Spannungszustände, Ansäuerung des Blutes, Antidepressivum, Antidyskratikum, Antitussivum, Appetitstörungen, Arrhythmien, Arthritis, Arthrose, Asthma, Allergisches Asthma, Ausfluss, Ausleitungsmittel, Amalgamsanierung,
Bakterien, Helicobacterpylori, Staphylokokken, Clamydien-Infektion, Bettnässen, Bindegewebsschwäche, Biochemische Mineralstoffergänzung, Bitterstoffe, Blähungen, Blasenerkrankungen, Blasenschwäche, Blutbildung, Blutdruck, Blutreinigung, Blutverdünnung, Bronchitis, Bursitis,
Cellulitisbehandlung, Chronisches Müdigkeitssyndrom, Chemotherapie, Verdauungsbeschwerden, Conjunktivitiss, Colitis Ulcerosa, Cortisolmangel, Zysten, Zystitis,
Darmflorasanierung, Depressionen, Dermatosen, Diabetes Typ 1, Diabetes Typ 2, Drüsenentgiftung, Drüsenfunktionsstörungen, Struma, Darmerkrankungen, Drüsenverhärtungen, Durchblutungsmittel, Durchblutungsstörungen, kalte Hände und Füße, Durchblutungsstörungen, cerebrale, Durchblutungsstörungen des Herzens (Herzkranzgefäßverengungen), Durchblutungsstörungen -venöse, Durchschlafstörungen, Dysmenorrhoe,
Einschlafstörungen, Eisenmangel, Ekzeme, endokrine Insuffizienz- Stoffwechselaktivierung, Entgiftung, Entsäuerung des Gewebes, Entwicklungsstörungen bei Kindern, Entzündungen- chronische und akute, Entzündungen, Enuresis, Erbrechen, Reisekrankheit, Erschöpfung und Mangelzustände, Erschöpfungszustände-nervös bedingt, Erschöpfungszustände- bedingt durch Nebenniereninsuffizienz,
Fettstoffwechselstörungen, Fieber, Follikelsprung- sekundäre Verzögerung, funktionelle Herzbeschwerden, Furunkel,
Gedächtnisleistung- Aktivierung, Gehirnerschütterung, Gelenkschmerzen- rheumatoide, Geschwulsterkrankungen, Gewebeentartungen, Gicht, Gonadeninsuffizienz beim Mann, Grippe und Grippeprophylaxe,
Haarausfall, Hämorrhoiden, Harnsaure Diathese, Hautantidyskratikum, Hauterkrankungen, Hauterkrankungen, allergische, Hauterkrankungen, Herdbelastungen- Ausleitung, Herdkrankheiten, Herzbeschwerden- vegetativ, Herzbeschwerden- funktionelle, Herzinfarkt- Vorbeugung und NachsorgeHerzinsuffizienz, Herzklopfen, nervöses Herz, Herz-Kreislauf-Funktion- Anregung und Stabilisierung, Heuschnupfen, Heuschnupfen, Hitzewallungen im Klimakterium, Hodenentzündung, Hormonelle Dysregulation- Verzögerung des Follikelsprungs und der Corpus-Luteum- Bildung, Hyperacidität des Magens, Hyperhidrosis, Hypermenorrhoe, Hyperthyreose, Hypertonie- arterielle, Hypertonie- renale- Nierenfunktion, Hypophysen-Stimulanz mit gonadotropem Effekt, Hypophysen-Stimulanz mit corticotropem Effekt, Hypothyreose und Begleiterscheinungen, Hypotonie, Hypotonie- begleitend bei Immunschwächen,
Immunstärkung, Immunstörungen bei Kindern, Impfschäden, Infektionen, Ischiaserkrankungen,
Juckende Altershaut , Juckreiz,
Kalte Hände und Füß, Keuchhusten, klimakterische Beschwerden, Konjunktivitis, Konzentrationsstörung, Kopfschmerzen- akut, Kopfschmerzen- chronisch, Kräftigung, Krämpfe im Magen-Darm-Trakt, Krampfadern, Krampfartige Verdauungsstörungen, Kreislauftonikum, Krebs,
Leberentgiftung, Leberschäden bei Nebenniereninsuffizienz, Lumbago, Lungenerkrankungen, Lymphentgiftung, Lymphmittel, Lymphödeme, lymphatische Stauungen,
Magen-Darm-Erkrankungen- schmerzhafte, Magen-Darm-Schmerzen- nervöse, Magentonikum, Managersyndrom, Mandelentzündung, akute und chronische, Menstruationsbeschwerden, Menstruationsbeschwerden (Frau ab 40), Migräne- akut, Migräne-chronisch, Migräne- urogenitale, Milz, Milzfunktionsstörungen, Mineralstoffergänzung, Biochemische, Mitesser, Morbus Meniere, Müdigkeit- chronische, Myome,
Nebenniereninsuffizienz, Nebennieren-Stimulanz, Nebenniereninsuffizienz bei Cortisolmangel, Nervenstärkung, Nervöse Angst, Nervosität im Klimakterium, Neuralgische Schmerzen, Neurodermitis, Neurovegetative Beschwerden, Neurovegetative Beschwerden, Ein- und Durchschlafstörungen, Unruhezustände und Angst, Leber, Galle,Bauchspeicheldrüse, Nierenerkrankungen- akute und chronische, Nierenfunktion und Blutkreislauf, Nierenreinigung, Nierenschwäche, Nierensteine, Nikotinabusus,
Ödeme, renale, Ödeme, Onychorrhexis, Organneurosen, Orchitis, Hodenentzündung, Osteoporose, Klimakterium, Osteoporose allgemein, Otitis, Pankreasinsuffizienz, Pankreatitis, Parasitenbefall, Würmer, Amöben,
Parästhesien, Parodontitis, PCP, Pharyngitis, Pilze, Mykose-Infektion, Schimmelpilze, Polyarthritis, Nebennierenrindenfunktionalität, Potenzschwäche, Prostataerkrankungen, Prostatahyperplasie, Prostatakrebs, Pruritus, Psoriasis, Psychosomatische Erkrankungen,
Rachenentzündung, Raucherentwöhnung, Regelstörungen, Reisekrankheit, Reisekrankheiten und Erkrankungen, Reizbarkeits, Reizblase, Reizhusten, Reizdarm-Syndrom, Reizhusten, Rheuma- bedingt durch sekundäre Nebenniereninsuffizienz an Cortisol, Rhinitis, Roemheld-Syndrom, Herzklopfen,
Schmerzgefühl, Leber, Galle, Bauchspeicheldrüse, Rückenschmerzen, Sauerstoffaktivator, Säuren-Basen-Haushalt, Schilddrüsenüberfunktion, Schilddrüsenunterfunktion, Hashimoto, Hypothyreosis, Hyperthyreosis, Schlafstörungen, Schlaganfall, Schleimhautentzündung, Schleimhauterkrankungen, Schmerzen, arthritische und arthrotische, Schüßlersalze-Komplex, Schuppenflechte, Schweißausbrüche im Klimakterium, Schwellungen, Schwindel, Schwitzen, Sinusitis, Sodbrennen, Spannungszustände, Unruhe, Sportmedizin, Stoffwechselerkrankungen, Stoffwechselstörungen, , Streptokokkeninfekt, Struma,
Therapieresistenz, Tinnitus, Tonsillitis,
Übelkeit, Übergewicht, Übersäuerung, Ulcus cruris, offene Beine/Füße,
Vegetative Dystonie, Venenödeme, Venenschwäche, Verdauungsbeschwerden, Verdauungsleistung, Verletzungen, Vertigo, Viren, Herpes, Grippe, Viruserkrankungen, Völlegefühl,
Wadenkrämpfe, Wetterfühligkeit, Wirbelsäulensyndrom,
Zahnschmerzen, Zahnfleischentzündungen, Zellentgiftung, Zuckerkrankheit